Privacy Policy | ผลิตภัณฑ์บำรุงผิวจากธรรมชาติ


privacy policy


Welcome to CLAIRE SKIN website.
CLAIRE SKIN by SLC Interlab Co. Ltd., considers our customers' privacy a top priority. We guarantee that all your information will be strictly confidential
When you enter and/or register at, you have acknowledged and complied to our privacy policy. If you refuse to comply, please terminate this session immediately. For your own benefit, please carefully read and understand our privacy policy before proceeding with your registration.

Information collection and usage

The company will collect and save names, addresses, emails, telephone and cell numbers, and gender information during your registration. All the data collected will only be disclosed within the company and its subsidiaries only for the purpose of the process. Once the registration is complete, you will have all the rights as a membership including access to news and information as well as special privileges and events on our website.

Personal information collected will only be used for the following purposes:

  • To deliver purchased items
  • To update your delivery status, as well as other services
  • To check the operation of the website. Besides all of the above, the company also uses the information and the statistics collected to analyze and choose the best product and service for the customer as well as improving service and the website. The information may be shared to other parties;however, personal information that can be related to our customers' identity will strictly remain classified.
  • Also, the company may send you an email to notify you of the news, privileges and other exclusive events.

Membership policy

  • If you wish to order items from our website or participate in any sale events, you are obligated to register and create an account on the website.
  • The company reserves the rights to only provide some services such as ordering and purchasing on the website, access to news and other related events, and etc. to only customers who are members of our website.
  • Customers have acknowledged and agreed to keep their login names, passwords, and personal information confidential. The company reserves the rights to refuse any responsibilities if any violations occur under the name of your membership.
  • The information used for registeration must be credible, correct, complete and up-to-date.
  • The company reserves the right to terminate any membership without prior notice if we discover that the information given is false and out of date. The customer's membership may also be terminated if he or she does not keep the password confidential or uses the membership in for any illegal activities.

Protection against fraudulent and inapropriate usage.

  • The company reserves the right to refuse any service to any customer who has a history of fraud, and may terminate membership if such action were found. The company must act in this manny to protect other customers as well as the company itself from frauds or any illegal activities.
  • If customers share or disclose any content, images or information that are inappropriate, in violation of the law, discrediting or containing harmful intention that may upset or damage both directly and indirectly to other third parties, the customer will be held responsible for all the damages and expenses caused to the company or other third parties.

How Can You Withdraw Consent, Request Access To Or Correct Information You Have Provided To Us?

  • You may withdraw your consent for the collection, use and/or disclosure and/or request deletion of your personal data in our possession or under our control by sending an email to our Personal Data Protection Officer at, and we will process such requests in accordance with this Privacy Policy and our obligations under the Privacy Laws and other applicable law. However, your withdrawal of consent may mean that we will not be able to continue providing the Services to you and we may need to terminate your existing relationship and/or the contract you have with us.